Learn-Learn Land
46 south bridge road #03-01 Singapore 058679

English training

publish:2024-05-28 14:28:11   views :351
publish:2024-05-28 14:28:11  

·Grammar knowledge: sentence structure, vocabulary usage, grammar rules; Assist students in mastering basic grammar knowledge of English, in order to better understand and apply English.

·Reading comprehension: reading skills, reading speed, reading comprehension, etc; Help students improve their reading speed and comprehension abilities in order to better cope with English reading questions.

·Writing skills: writing structure, writing methods, writing techniques, etc; Help students master the basic skills and methods of English writing in order to better express their ideas.

·Listening and speaking skills, oral expression, accent correction, etc; Assist students in improving their listening and speaking skills, in order to better understand and apply spoken English.

·Subject literacy: English thinking, logical thinking, English ability, English interest, etc; Cultivate students' ability to think and express themselves in English, in order to better cope with various English application scenarios.

Teaching methods: small class teaching, one-on-one tutoring, online teaching, offline teaching, personalized teaching, etc; Meet the diverse learning needs of students through different teaching methods and provide personalized educational services.

Teacher strength: teaching experience, professional knowledge, teaching quality, teacher training, etc; Provide experienced, highly professional, and high-quality teaching resources to provide students with high-quality educational services.

Subject evaluation: Assessing students' English proficiency, diagnosing learning problems, and developing personalized learning plans.

Through regular subject evaluations, help students discover and solve learning problems in a timely manner, develop personalized learning plans, and improve learning outcomes.

Address:46 south bridge road #03-01 Singapore 058679
WeChat: Wen-WilliamSG
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